Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cinderella vs Barbie

So we grow up watching and playing with these things that are totally opposite from reality.I mean really when has any man ever acted like Prince Charming or Ken! If by chance you score with a guy who lives in a modern day castle chances are you will never see him because he is a workaholic.Barbie's scenario will be hard to match because Ken does everything Barbie tells him to do,(without any argument).I don't recall Cinderella ever making any sounds that would make Prince Charming hold his nose or wave his hand in the air.These perfect little creatures we played with started putting stress on us at a very early age and we didn't even know it! The facade of looking perfect and having a perfect life has been drilled into our heads from childhood, it's no wonder we are so hard on ourselves.Relationship wise it would be impossible to create or have everything exactly the way they did. Half, if not more of the men out there can't stand responsibility. If they are capable of carrying the load, they more than likely play just as hard as they work. I might feel a little closer to having their dreamworld if I could have a pink corvette or a castle like Cinderella ended up with! So if there are any Prince Charming's or Ken's out there please clone yourselves and let a girl have a taste of the fairytale life!

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