Monday, January 11, 2010

Looking in the mirror

I have noticed over the years that some women live with their face in the mirror and others look once a day! It is easier to look in the mirror if you like what you see,or maybe your appearance is the most important thing to you. Perfection from the way society sees it makes it virtually impossible for us to feel like we measure up!Every magazine has the cover girl airbrushed and polished to look like the most beautiful girl we have ever seen.In real life however you may not even recognize her.There is so much pressure to look a certain way that 90 lb teenagers think that they are fat.From the moment our eyes open in the morning to when we go to sleep our minds never stop comparing! It can be exhausting if you let it,or you can look in the mirror and say I love you just the way you are,and learn to believe it! Beauty does not come from anywhere but within.Those beautiful women we compare ourselves to have just as many hangups as we do, if not more! Confidence comes from loving yourself enough in a healthy way.Knowing who you are and what you like or dislike is so much more important than looking a certain way! Love the precious person that you are, be whole and full of peace and grace for that is true beauty.

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